
The blog of Calgary based photographer J. Dirom.

My Favourite 2014 Concert Black & White Photos

It is hard to believe how fast the year has gone. At times it has been completely mad, but I wouldn't change a thing. Photography wise it has been great, filling my schedule with some fantastic artists week after week.

I have to thank all the artists that have allowed me to photograph them throughout the past year, Jamie Taylor from Concert Addicts as well as the contributors, Brian Vollmer of Helix and Sam Reid of Glass Tiger. I would also like to thank the staff and security at all the venues Flames Central, Saddledome, Deerfoot Casino, MacEwan Hall, Grey Eagle, and the Jubilee Auditorium. You all make this possible.

Finally I would like to thank all my clients for your creative projects, and choosing me as your photographer.

On that note please enjoy my favourites from 2014.